Our favorite accounts for connection with your horse, horse training and horse care on Instagram that provide a wealth of information, sound advice and inspiration for horse riders.
Yvet Blokesch, Horse Trainer
Yvet has a beautiful way of relating to horses with soft confidence and positivity. You can learn a lot from her free content on Instagram and when you’re ready to know more, she has exceptional online courses to study that you can take into the barn, round pen, arena or trail with your own horse – right away.

Matthias Geysen
Matthias is all about finding a deeper connection with yourself – and your horse.

Kara O’Laughlin
Kara is a Licensed Equine Sports Therapist teaching how to relieve tension in your horse, while she walks you through, step-by-step, the foundational massage techniques to prehab your own horse.

Danielle Simonetti
Danielle, along with her sister, learned from their famed father the techniques and methods they employ today when working with horses. Based in liberty training, they will soon offer online courses along with their current one-on-one training sessions.

Sean Coleman
Australian horse trainer, Sean Coleman, has an online program called Applied Horsemanship and focuses on the western discipline (but these training sessions can be applied to all disciplines!) as well as a really helpful YouTube channel.

Ronny Riemer
German horse trainer, Ronny Riemer, lives in the US and provides fun videos as well as very informative and quick explanations for our show jumpers. Definitely worth a follow.